Milady Medical Spa Brooklyn NY

1616 Sheepshead Bay Rd Brooklyn, NY 11235

Tel. 347-946-0606


1 treatment  60 min.   $160

Prices do not include gratuities, sales taxes and fees.

A computer-controlled compression system is used to inflate a sleeve applied to a limb and an automatic pressure gradient modulation provides a gentle effective and deep lymphatic drainage.

 The system of compression and decompression duplicates the action of a massage, enhancing the skin tone and recommended for cellulite control.

Other treatment benefits include: 

- Immediate relief and comfort for heavy legs, water retention, cellulite, and poor circulation

- Body shaping and profiling

- Weight management

- Pre and post liposuction treatment

- Reduces localized lipolytic edema

- Effective lymphatic drainage

- Relieves leg pain and swelling

- Helps prevent venous stasis

- Helps prevent deep vein trombosis

- Improves blood flow and oxygenation

- Provides athletic performance enhancement

The average number of treatments is 6 increasing to 10 in certain cases for maximum results.

Pressotherapy™ is a compression technique designed to help improve overall circulation and tone up the circulatory system for faster detoxification and elimination.

This is a revolutionary process that promotes the body’s natural functions.

This treatment will help stimulate the venous return for a faster elimination of the toxic waste, resulting in a thinner body.

The improved blood flow helps decrease swelling and discomfort, while revitalizing and oxygenating the tissues, promoting slimming and firming of the body.

Contra-Indications for Pressotherapy:

- Deep Vein thrombosis (DVT)

- Acute infectopm of the affected limb

- Any instance where increase venous and lymphatic return is undersirable

- Presence of any pain or numbness

- Cardiac Heart Failure (CHF)

Call 347-946-0606 to schedule a FREE CONSULTATION or


Milady Medical Spa Brooklyn NY

1616 Sheepshead Bay Rd Brooklyn, NY 11235

Tel. 347-946-0606